Monday, July 2, 2007

Assignment 11 (B) - Paragraph

They Lucky Dragon No. 5 episode took place in 1954, the year after Nakamura-san started working for Suyama Chemical. In the ensuing fever of outrage in the country, the provision of adequate medical care for the victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs finally became a political issue. Almost every year since 1946, on the anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing a Peace Memorial Meeting had been held in a park that the city planners had set aside, during the city’s rebuilding, as a center of remembrance, and on August 6, 1955, delegates from all over the world gathered there for the first World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs. On its second day, a number of hibakusha tearfully testified to the government’s neglect of their plight. Japanese political parties took up the cause, and in 1957 the Diet at last passed the A-Bombe Victims Medical Care Law. This law and its subsequence modifications defined four classes of people who would be eligible for support: those who had been in the city limits on the day of the bombing; those who had enter an area within two kilometers of the hypocenter in the first contact with bomb victims; in administering first aid or embryos in the wombs of women in any of the first three categories. These hibakusha were entitled to receive so-called health books, which would entitle them to free medical treatment. Later revisions of the law provided for monthly allowances to victims suffering from various after effects.(Pg.96-97)

Could this paragraph be divided into at least two smaller paragraphs? Leave a comment to address this question and explain your position.

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