Monday, June 18, 2007

Assignment 9 - "Hiroshima" (Passage B)

“THE JESUITS took about fifty refugees into the exquisite chapel of the Novitiate. The rector gave them what medical care he could-mostly just the cleaning away of pus. Each of the Nakamuras was provided with a blanket and a mosquito net. Mrs. Nakamura and her younger daughter had no appetite and ate nothing; her son and other daughter ate, and lost, each meal they where offered. On August 10th, a friend, Mrs. Osaki, came to see them and told them that her son Hideo had been burned alive in the factory where he worked. This Hideo had been a kind of hero to Toshio, who had often gone to the plant to watch him run his machine. That night, Toshio woke up screaming. He had dreamed that he had seen Mrs. Osaki coming out of an opening in the ground with her family, and then he saw Hideo at his machine, a big one with a revolving belt, and he himself was standing beside Hideo, and for reason this was terrifying.”(Pg. 58)

This passage perplexes me because it is quite confusing for me. In sentence number four, the second clause says that Mrs. Nakamura’s son and daughter ate everything, and the last clauses says that they lost each meal they were offered. That’s confusing and I don’t understand it.


Md khieu said...

I think that they were so hurry. They can eat anything that people offered for them until they have nothing left. That's why they lost every meal because it not enough for them.

Chantal Melo said...

They lost each meal because they threw-up after they eat. They didn’t keep any meals in their stomach. They were sick because of the smoke, burns and everything that was happening.